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The Future
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onHumans have always been preoccupied with “The Future.” Many have always seen space travel, futuristic suits, odd-looking cars and houses, and many other “out-of-this-world” things. We still don’t know what the future will look like, but we seem sure that it will be different in some dramatic way.
What about the cleaning industry? What could possibly be different 10-20 years from now? In a recent online article from, several industry experts weighed in on the topic, and many if not all viewpoints were enlightening. One thing we know is that cleaning contractors who see themselves as floor “moppers” and carpet “vacuumers” will become decreasingly competitive. It is vital that those who want to lead see themselves as promoters of public health. A cleaning staff needs to be exceptionally well trained through certified courses as well is ongoing education seminars (whether for certification purposes or not). Truly skilled cleaners will contribute greatly to the prevention of the spread of disease and illness. They must know the differences between the chemicals employed, expiration dates, and proper technique…and much more.
Another difference-maker will be the ability to carve out a unique position among competitors. What do you stand for, as a cleaner? What is it that you do? Do you scrub, or do you promote the image and identity of the client you serve? Do you clean the place, or do you contribute to worker productivity, thus increasing your client’s bottom-line? The successful cleaning contractor will educate herself on the latest healthcare issues, as well as business-growth strategies, such as internet-marketing and social media. Yes, it will involve a little reading.
Be prepared. The future will reward those who do their homework.