Recent Posts
It's in the Marketing
There is confusion in some corners about the difference between marketing and sales. They are not the same. A useful analogy is to describe the primary function of marketing as spreading corn for ducks to eat, and to describe the function of sales as shooting the ducks. Obviously, the more effectively one spreads the corn, [...]
Your Best Strategy
You have a company you have worked hard to build. You sacrifice for your customers. You have taken risks to promote the future success of the enterprise. Your employees look to you for guidance and direction.So, what do you really need to make sure all of the balls stay in the air? Good salespeople? Yes. [...]
Penny-Wise or Pound-Foolish?
A gentleman visited us the other day. His problem? He needed to find a new contract cleaner. The old one, he said, claimed to not understand English, even though he had been overheard many times speaking the language. He dragged a dirty bucket across the floor, leaving a trail of who-knows-what's-in-there liquid. He used a [...]
What Is the Biggest Complaint About Your Building?
Answer: Your restroom. Yes. Restrooms make up less than 5% of building space but carry close to 40% of the soil load...and receive 50% of building service complaints! During a workday, each person uses the restroom an average of 3-4 times a day. That's a lot of opportunity to wreak major havoc on perhaps the [...]
Oh, The Weather Outside Is Frightful, But...
Yes. It’s coming. Death. Taxes…and Winter. In most places around North America, Winter (capitalized, on purpose) is an issue. There’s no question it’s on its way. But here’s the question needing an answer: Are you ready? If so, good for you. If not, let us suggest a few ideas. First, the importance of having janitorial [...]
The Joy of Entrance Mats
Everyone benefits from a clean facility, place of business, or home. Question is: How do you keep it clean? That’s the frustrating part. Cleaning a building takes time. It takes energy. Even worse, it can take employees (or you) off the jobs that generate income for your enterprise. So it would really be great if [...]